Selected Lectures and Presentations

Chiang Mai, Thailand, November, 5-6, 2020

Asian Ecumenical Institute of the Christian Conference of Asia.  Four lectures via Zoom on Wider Ecumenism, Religious Pluralism, Christian Witness in Asia, and Asian Ecclesiology.

St. Ottilien, Munich, June 27-July 1, 2019

European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies (ENBCSN) conference to commemorate Dr. Lyn A. de Silva’s 100th birth anniversary and to celebrate his contribution to Buddhist-Christian studies and dialogue.  Presentation on “Lynn A. de Silva – An Appraisal” (Published)

Jaffna, Sri Lanka, December 7-8, 2018

Jaffna University Christian Studies Department Conference on religion.  Paper and presentation on “Christian Responses to the Challenge of Religious Pluralism”.

New haven, Connecticut and New York, N.Y, October 29-31,2018.

Class presentations on “Y our God, My God, Our God” at the Yale University Andover Newton Seminary and the Union Seminary, New York.

Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 23-25, March 2018

Lecture on Higher Education and Methodism at the conference on: “Intersections - Faith, Church and the Academy”, organized by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church, USA.

Reutlingen, Germany, October 2-7, 2016

Lecture at the International Mission Conference organized by the Reutlingen School of Theology as part of their “Theology Week” on: “Faith in a Multireligious Society.”

California, January 12-18, 2015

Lecture on “Methodism and Religious Pluralism” at a conference called by the United Methodist Church, USA on Methodism, Religious Pluralism and Christian Witness.

Louisville, Kentucky, USA, April 1-13, 2014

Public lecture on “Beyond the Impossible: Towards a breakthrough in Theology of Religions” as part of being visiting professor at the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Louisville.

Münster, Germany, 22-26, September 2014

Lecture on: “Changing Paradigms of Asian Christian Attitude to other religions” in a seminar on Christianity in Asia. University of Münster, Germany.

Stony Point, New York, September 19-21, 2013

Consultation of ecumenism and Interfaith relations: Presentations on Ecumenism, Religions and Christian Witness

Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 2013

“Prospects and Challenges for Theological Education”. Keynote address on the occasion to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Theological College of Lanka and the release of the volume on the history of the college.

Madurai, India July 9-12, 2012

Lecture on: “Future of World Religions” at an interfaith consultation on the role of religions in society, organized by Dr. S. Jeyapragasam, Director of the International Gandhian Institute for Nonviolence and Peace.

Taipei, Taiwan, March 11, 2011

Lecture at the Alethia University on the “Challenge of Religious Pluralism” as part of two weeks of teaching at Tainan Theological Seminary, Taiwan.

San Francisco, USA, November 2011

“The Bible and Other Scriptures: A Case Study on Interreligious Learning” Presentation made at a seminar at the American Academy of Religion, San Francisco, 2011 (Published)

Seoul, Korea, October 29 - Nov.3, 2010

The Third International Conference on Peace and Reconciliation.

Presentation on: “Christian Theologies and Practices on Peace and Reconciliation” (Published in Korean)

St. Paul, Minnesota, June 17-18, 2010

Consultation on Ecumenism: Presentation on: “Achievements and Limitations of the Contribution of the World Council of Churches to the Search for Unity.” (Published).

Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 24-28, 2010

Methodist University, Sao Paulo

Four Lectures on Mission to a Conference to mark the 100th Anniversary of the First World Missionary Conference of Edinburgh 1910:

1)    “The Significance and Contribution of the World Missionary Conference of 1910 and the Major Shifts in Mission Thinking since 1910”

2)    “Mission and Dialogue: Rethinking Mission in the Context of Religious Plurality.”

3)    “Re-conceiving Mission in the Methodist Tradition”

4)    “The Future of Mission and Evangelism.”

(Translated into Portuguese and published)

Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium, Nov. 7, 2007

International Consultation on Ecclesiology.

Presentation on: “Towards an Asian Ecclesiology.”

Seoul, Korea, April 30 - May 4, 2006

International Ecumenical Consultation on: “Peace in East Asia”.

(Organized by the WCC, Christian Conference of Asia, National Council of Churches in Korea, and the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea -PROK)

Keynote address on: “Things that Make for Your Peace: Theological Reflections on Peace in Our Times.”

Porto Alegre, Brazil, Feb. 13–20, 2006

Interfaith Seminar in the context of the Ninth Assembly of the WCC.  Lecture on: “Wider Ecumenism – A Promise or a Threat?” (Published)

Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 23-24, 2006

World Council of Churches Consultation on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and Human Rights.  Presentation on the theme: “Fear Factor – Fear Politics and the Politics of Fear.”

Kandy, Sri Lanka. June 25-28, 2006

Consultation on Sri Lankan Theology.  Key Note on: “Contribution of Sri Lankan Theologians to Ecumenical Theology.”

University of Utrecht, The Netherland, Nov. 1-4, 2004

Seminar on Intercultural Hermeneutics,

Lecture on: “Intercultural Hermeneutics: A Promise for the Future?” (Published)

Barcelona, Spain. July 7 – 13, 2004

The Fourth Parliament of World’s Religions.  Speaker in the Plenary Panel on “Christianity and Plurality” along with Profs. Paul Knitter and Raimon Panikkar

Regents College, Oxford. The UK. Nov.28-29, 2002

Consultation on Religion and Violence,

Two lectures:
1. Bible and Violence.
2. Religion and Violence. 

Sheffield, UK., November 15-17, 2002

International Conference on: “Interpreting John 14.6. Presentation on: “Interpreting John 14.6 in a Pluralist Context.” (Published)

Crestwood, New York, Oct. 8, 2002

St Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary Lecture: “Themes and Personalities in the Emerging Theologies of Asia.”

St. Louis, USA, Sept. 16, 2002

Eden Seminary Annual lecture on Ecumenism: “Issues Facing the Ecumenical Movement Today”

Salley Oak Colleges, Birmingham, U.K. June 18 – 22, 2002

Keynote lecture at a Conference on “Faith and Liberation”.

St. Petersburg, Florida, Feb. 8 - 11, 2002

World Council of Churches Multi-faith Consultation on “Religion and Violence”.

Lecture on “Religion and Violence - A Christian Perspective.”

Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. May 8-9. 2001

Edmund Perry Public Lecture on: “Buddhist Wisdom and Christian Love - are they Alternatives?”
Keynote address on the Contributions of Lynn A. de Silva and Aloysius Pieris to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue.

Princeton, N.J., Oct. 22 - 25, 2001

Princeton Seminary Annual Lectures on Mission

Lecture I:   “Is Our God too Small?
Lecture II:  “Is Our Understanding of Mission too Limited?
Lecture III: “Is Our Gospel Message too Narrow?” 

Boldern, Zurich, Switzerland, 2001

Educational Project on Christian and Muslim Women in Europe.
Lecture on: “Challenges Facing Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Europe.”

Tomohon, Minahasa, Indonesia, June 2000

General Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia
Lecture on: “Major Themes in the Ministry of the Ecumenical Movement.

Port of Spain, Trinidad, January 2000

“Keynote address on “Religion, Reconciliation and Conflict” at the symposium at the University of West Indies, Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 1999

“Can We Pray Together?” Lecture at the interfaith seminar at the Third Parliament of World’s Religions.

Harare, Zimbabwe, Dec. 1998

“Reading the Bible in the Pluralistic Context”, Lecture at the Bible Society Consultation at the Eighth Assembly of the World Council of Churches.

Stamford, Connecticut, USA, October 1998

General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, USA.
General Secretary’s Annual Lecture on Mission: “Christian Missions: The End or a New Beginning?” (Published)

Tokyo, Japan, July 1998

“Challenge of Globalization to Religious Faith”, Rissho Kosei-Kai Buddhist Association (Published in Japanese)

Hong Kong, 1996

“Theological Assumptions of the Ecumenical Movement," address to the joint meeting of the Christian Conference of Asia and the Federation of Asian Bishop's Conference.

Riva del Garda, Italy, 1994

Keynote speaker, Sixth Assembly, World Conference on Religion and Peace.

Dublin, 1995

"The Impact of Interfaith Dialogue on the Ecumenical Movement", Keynote address on the 25th Anniversary of the Irish School of Ecumenics. (Published)

Oxford University, UK., 1990

"The Figure of Jesus in Interfaith Dialogue", Presentation at the seminar in Honour of Dr Jeffry Parrinder (Wesley Ariarajah’s professor at Kings College, London).

Oegstgeest, The Netherlands, 1988

“World Cultures and World Religions", Lecture to mark the One-Hundredth Anniversary of Hendrik Kraemer at the Hendrik Kraemer Symposium. (Published)

Keble College, Oxford, July 1982

Seventh Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies. Lecture on: "Re-conceiving Evangelism in the Methodist Tradition”. (Published)

London, U.K., November 1987

Invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury to give the Sixth Lambeth Interfaith Lecture at the Lambeth Palace on “Religious Plurality and its Challenge to Christian Theology.” (Published)
